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Version 1.9.0 Beta

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(Updated 2024-01-24)


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Welcome Hero!

Step into a world like no other. Ardania is a land filled with adventure and danger. Join the heroes of Ardania in their ever-vigilant task of keeping the evils of Ardania at bay...

Ardania is a medieval fantasy world - filled with heroes from noble paladins to back-stabbing rogues, from magic-wielding wizards to rage-filled barbarians. This world is based on a widely popular computer game called 'Majesty' which portrays you as the Sovereign leader of these heroes against the forces of evil.

Now you can play as one of these heroes - just join in for free and prepare to explore what Ardania has to offer!

7 heroes online

Please note: while efforts are being made to provide cross-browser compatibility,
you are encouraged to use Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera to play the game.
Expect an official announcement when the game is deemed fully playable in other major browsers.

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